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Small Group Questions One Life Leadership Initiative 2/25/24

  1. Do you typically sleep in or wake up early?

  2. Which part of this message was most impactful for you and why?

  3. What’s something that’s important to you? What does it look like to hold it close?

  4. Read Psalm 77:11-12. Talk about a time when it was easy to see God at work in your life. How might remembering that moment help you draw closer to God in this season? 

  5. Share about a time when you struggled to feel close to God. What helped you find “it” again?

  6. In what area of your life is God calling you to “wake up” so you can serve Him? How can you focus on that area this week?

This week, focus on how you’d like to wake up and share your experience with your Small Group.

Be bold and pray with power. 

Father, thank You for being close to us, even when it’s difficult to feel Your nearness. Please show us the areas of our lives in which we need to wake up. This week, we will remember how You’ve moved in our lives before, finish what we’ve started, and hold You close to ourselves. In Jesus’ name, amen. 




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