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We Are the Church WEB (1200 x 600 px).png

Small Group Questions | Week 2

1. When you hear the word “church,” what images, thoughts, or feelings come to mind?

2. Which part of this message was most impactful for you and why?

3. Read Mark 2:3-4. Is anyone in your life in need of help? How might God be calling you to help them?

4. God wants us to bring all of our needs to Him. What do you need from God right now?

5. Share about a time when someone cared for you. How did that change you? How did that impact your relationship with God?

6. Talk about ways your Small Group can care for people in your community.

7. Pray: Father, thank You for putting people around us who care. Help us to see the needs of others around us, and stir us to action. We want to be people who care and make a difference as Your church. Change us, so that we can share Your love with others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

8.  Find one way to care for someone this week. Then, talk about that experience with your Small Group.

9. Start the We Are the Church Bible Plan using Plans With Friends:

10. Consider how you could love others by serving on the weekend or with a Local Mission Partner.

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211 S. 23rd St.

Plattsmouth, NE 68048, USA

PO BOX 417

Plattsmouth, NE 68048, USA

(402) 804-8822


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