Small Group Questions | We Are the Church | Week 1
1. What’s one hope that you have for 2024/2025?
2. Which part of this message was most impactful for you and why?
3. Read Acts 2:42-47. What things from this passage are you already doing? What’s one thing you’d like to start doing?
4. Think about the things you’re devoted to. Are any of those things a hindrance to your devotion to God? What would your life look like if you focused on Him more?
5. We can grow in our devotion to God by choosing to do one thing that moves us toward Him. What could that one thing be for you?
6. How have God’s people impacted your life and relationship with Jesus through their devotion, generosity, and love?
7. Pray: Father, thank You for the opportunity to focus on being Your church. Grow our devotion to You and our generosity, and help us to share Your love with others. Shift our mindsets so that they better reflect You. Thank You for doing more than we could ever ask or imagine. In Jesus’ name, amen.
8. Consider the one thing you can do to move closer to Jesus. As you start this new practice, share your experience with your Small Group.
9. Start the "We Are the Church" Bible Plan using Plans With Friends:
10. Consider how you could love others by serving on the weekend or with a local mission.