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Small Group Questions | Venture Christian Church Ben Sander (10/6/24)

1. Matthew left his entire career to follow Jesus immediately. How does Matthew’s response challenge the way you prioritize your own life when it comes to following Jesus?


2. What are some things in your life that might be difficult to leave behind if Jesus asked you to "drop everything" and follow Him? Why do these things feel so significant?


3. Why do you think Jesus specifically called someone as hated as a tax collector to be one of His disciples? What does this tell us about who Jesus values?


4. Matthew had wealth and status but still chose to leave it behind. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where money or success didn’t satisfy your deeper needs? What gave you a sense of real purpose?


5. The Pharisees questioned why Jesus ate with sinners and tax collectors. Are there any “sinners” or outcasts in your life or community whom you find difficult to love or welcome? How can you approach them with the heart of Jesus?


6. Jesus quotes Hosea 6:6, emphasizing mercy over sacrifice. What does it look like in our lives to practice mercy, and how does it challenge our tendency toward judgment or self-righteousness?


7. The Pharisees’ pride blinded them from seeing their own need for Jesus. How might pride be preventing you from receiving God's grace or admitting areas where you need healing?


8. Matthew (Levi) embraced a new identity in Christ, leaving behind his old self. What is one way you need to let go of your "old self" and fully embrace your identity in Christ?


9. Matthew invited other tax collectors and sinners to a meal with Jesus. How can sharing a meal or spending intentional time with others in your community lead to deeper relationships and opportunities for transformation?


10. After reflecting on Matthew’s story, the Pharisees' pride, and Jesus' call for mercy, what is one specific area in your life where you feel challenged to make a change or take action? How can you respond more like Matthew in following Jesus wholeheartedly?

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Plattsmouth, NE 68048, USA

PO BOX 417

Plattsmouth, NE 68048, USA

(402) 804-8822


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