Small Group Questions | Week 3
1. What is something you’re thankful for this week? How has it brought you joy or reminded you of God’s blessings?
2. Acts 20:35 says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Can you share a time when you experienced the joy of giving? What impact did it have on you or others?
3. Have you ever felt prompted to help someone in need but hesitated? What thoughts or emotions made it difficult to respond in that moment?
4. 1 John 3:16-18 talks about showing love through actions. How can we be more intentional about noticing the needs of those around us?
5. Paul teaches in 2 Corinthians 9:7 that we should give cheerfully and intentionally. How do you decide how much or where to give? What role does prayer play in your giving?
6. The story of the widow in Mark 12:41-44 reminds us of sacrificial giving. What does giving sacrificially look like in your life, beyond just financial gifts?
7. Think about a time when giving required you to trust God more than usual. How did that experience strengthen your faith or show you God’s provision?
8. Are there particular causes, ministries, or areas of service that you feel deeply passionate about? How could focusing on those areas make your giving more impactful?
9. What steps could you take to make generosity—whether spontaneous, strategic, or sacrificial—a more intentional part of your life?
10. This week, how can you look for an opportunity to give spontaneously, strategically, or sacrificially?
What will you do to act on it, and how can we support you in prayer as you step out in faith?