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Small Group Questions | Week 3


1. What sort of obstacles did you face this week?

2. When you face opposition, how do you usually respond?

3. If you never faced opposition, what would that tell you about the way you lived your life?

4. Why is it important not to be moved by praise or criticism?

5. Read Nehemiah 4:4-6. Why is it important for us to remember that we answer to God and no one else?

6. How can you prepare yourself for the opposition you will face as you pursue God’s work?

7. How can you step out in faith and give God opportunities to fight for you?

8. Pray: Father, thank You for not leaving us to face opposition on our own. Thank You that we can trust You to guide us and protect us while we continue pursuing the work You’ve given us. Help us trust You to fight for us no matter the strength of the opposition we’re facing. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

9. If someone you know is facing opposition this week, encourage them to trust in God’s ability to support them and fight for them.

10. Interested in learning more about the work God is calling you to do? Check out The Good Work Bible Plan:

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