Small Group Questions | Week 1
1. The sermon mentions that we all have "kingdom potential" and are like a ball at the top of a slide. What talents or passions do you feel God has placed in your heart, and how can you release your grip to let God use you?
2. Nehemiah mourned deeply for Jerusalem's ruins. What breaks your heart in today's world, and how might this be a calling from God to act?
3. The speaker shared that many children today don't really know who Jesus is. Do you feel this burden? What will you do in response to make an impact here?
4, Nehemiah's response included prayer. How has prayer played a role in your life when you faced a situation that deeply troubled you?
5. Nehemiah confessed the sins of his people. How do you think personal and communal confession can impact our readiness to do God's work?
6. Nehemiah was afraid but chose to act. Can you share a time when you felt fear in pursuing something God called you to do, and how you overcame it?
7. Nehemiah attributed his success to "the gracious hand of God." Can you identify moments in your life where you saw God's hand at work in your efforts?
8. The sermon warns against complacency. How can we guard against becoming complacent in our faith and service?
9. How does allowing yourself to mourn over sin and brokenness act as a catalyst for change in your life?
10. Nehemiah’s story emphasizes starting with mourning and prayer before taking action. How can you apply this three-step process (mourn, pray, act) to a current issue or project in your life?