Small Group Questions | (12/29/24)
1. When was a time you tried to follow a rule or set of instructions but found it difficult? How did that experience make you feel about the importance of rules?
2. In the Old Testament, the law was given to reveal our inability to perfectly obey God. How does this understanding of the law shape your view of God's holiness and our need for grace through Jesus?
3. Reflecting on the history of Israel in the Bible, what are some examples where God’s faithfulness to His people was evident? How can we avoid repeating the mistakes Israel made when they turned to false gods?
4. How do the poetic books like Psalms and Proverbs help us understand God’s character? Share a verse or passage that has been particularly meaningful or comforting to you.
5. What can we learn from the prophets, both Major (like Isaiah and Daniel) and Minor (like Jonah and Amos), in terms of standing firm in our faith and speaking truth in today’s world?
6. Each Gospel offers a unique perspective of Jesus' life. Which Gospel do you connect with the most, and why? How does it shape your understanding of who Jesus is?
7. In the book of Acts, we see the Holy Spirit moving powerfully among the apostles. How can we be more open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives and in the life of the church today?
8. Paul’s letters to churches often address specific issues. What is one of Paul’s teachings that has challenged or encouraged you in your Christian walk? How can we apply this teaching in our own church community?
9. The general epistles (like James, 1 John, and Hebrews) contain foundational truths for Christians. Which of these letters speaks most to you, and what practical truth from it can you apply in your daily life?
10. The Bible, from the Old Testament to Revelation, points to Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s law and promise. This week, how can you intentionally focus on living out the truth that Jesus came to save us, not through our ability to keep the law, but through His grace? What is one practical action you can take to reflect His love and grace to others this week?