Small Group Questions | Week 1
1. Can you think of a time when someone was mean to you? Or time someone was mean to someone else? How did you respond?
2. Have you ever been the "mean" person in someone else’s story? How did you handle it afterward?
3. What’s the difference between justice and revenge, and why is it important to distinguish between them?
4. In the story of David, why do you think he reacted so strongly to Nabal's insult?
5. Romans 12:16b says, “Never be wise in your own sight.” How does pride affect our ability to handle conflict with grace?
6. What does it mean to “overcome evil with good,” as described in Romans 12:21? Can you share a practical example?
7. The sermon mentions making the first move to make the world a better place. What could this look like in your daily life?
8. How can our responses to mean people reflect Jesus’ character?
9. In the gym story from the sermon, asking for forgiveness changed the atmosphere. Have you ever experienced a similar moment?
10. Remember the reflection questions from the sermon:
Am I mean? (self-reflect)
Do you really want to be even with someone you don’t even like?
What would it look like to return good for evil?
What story do you want to tell?