Small Group Questions | Week 1
1. How have you experienced the truth that God’s purpose is different from your plans?​
2. Remember, outcome is God’s responsibility. Obedience is yours. What is God asking you to do or believe?
3. What is your response to what God is asking you to do or believe?
4. With your Bible or Bible app, read and discuss Luke 1:26-38.
5. Describe a time when you found one of God’s interruptions to be inconvenient. How did you respond to God?
6. Are there any “what if’s” that cause you fear? If so, what are they and how do those fears affect you?
7. Have you experienced God’s favor? If so, how did you experience it?
8. What might be holding you back from fully obeying God? How will you overcome this barrier?
9. What first step of obedience will you take to accomplish what God is asking you to do?
10. Take steps toward fully obeying what God is asking you to do or believe by reading and talking over the following Bible passages this week:
Day 1: Luke 1:26-38
Day 2: Luke 1:39-56
Day 3: 2 Timothy 1:6-8
Day 4: Matthew 1:18-25
Day 5: Jeremiah 29:11-14
Day 6: Acts 5:27-32
Day 7: Philippians 4:4-9