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Discussion Questions for Sermon Series You're Not The Boss Of Me - Week 2

When it comes to guilt, many of us naturally lean in one of two ways: we wallow in it by reliving the past, or we deny it by making excuses. In either instance, guilt is causing us to be out of balance. The apostle Paul reminds us that, because of Jesus, guilt is not the boss of us.

1. When you think of “guilt,” what words or images come to mind?

2. In general, do you lean more toward wallowing in guilt or denying it?

3. How do think guilt may be expressing itself in your current relationships?

Dating | Marriage | Parenting | Friendships

4. How can your own personal guilt lead to you having anger and judgment toward others?


5. Read Romans 8:1–4.   What stands out to you?  If you could summarize what Paul is trying to communicate, how would you say it in one sentence?

6.  Talk about the tension this statement creates in you: guilty, but not condemned.

a. Who in your life do you need to view as guilty, but not condemned? If you were able to do that, how might it change things for you?

b. When you attempt to make things right with others, not only does it remind you that you are not condemned, but it may unlock a vault of bitterness that someone else has been holding. Regarding your past, is somebody waiting for you to make the first move?

Guilt, you are not the boss of me. Because we are guilty, but not condemned:
• We forfeit the right to condemn ourselves because we are not ours to condemn.

• Our guilt can remind us of something, but not define us.
• We forfeit the right to condemn others.
• We are free to make restitution without expectations and excuses.


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