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Discussion Questions for Sermon Series When Pigs Fly Week 4 - Miracles of Provision


  1. What kind of financial situation did you grow up in: often tight, usually enough, or always plenty? 

  2. If just one material thing could make your life easier or better, what would it be?

  3. List some of your needs and some of your wants. What is the main difference between the two? 

  4. What are some reasons you think God would want to miraculously meet needs in your life?

  5. How have you seen God guide you to a place where He also provided for you?

  6. Read 2 Corinthians 9:10-11. Have you ever seen God multiply your generosity? What happened? 

  7. Share a story of when you experienced a miracle of provision. How were you changed by it? 

  8. Do you need any miraculous provision in your life right now? How can we pray about it together as a group? 

  9. How can God use you as a miracle of provision for someone else? Ask Him to show you.


Write down any of the areas where you’re asking God for a miracle of provision. Keep a note somewhere visible and celebrate as God meets your needs. 


Start praying. Be bold and pray with power. 

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