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Small Group Questions for Sermon Series Gospeler Week 6

Session 6: New Life & the Holy Spirit


Every session has a point—what each participant should walk away from the discussion knowing, feeling, and doing.


Main Idea: After sharing the good news, we should help new believers learn how to live out their faith.


Head Change: To know that belief in Jesus is followed by obedience and repentance as the Holy Spirit works in us.


Heart Change: To feel comforted by Jesus’s patience in changing us to be more like him.


Life Change: To teach new believers to live like Jesus.


When you want to learn a practical skill, do you prefer to read instructions or learn by watching someone in action?


YouTube videos have become a common resource for learning how to repair household appliances, cook a meal, or play an instrument. But some prefer step-by-step instructions. It all depends on our learning style.


In our final session, Willie explores the process of leading new believers into a godly lifestyle. And he employs both methods—reading about in Scripture and watching the examples of godly people as they learn to live like Jesus. Faith is just the first step in a lifetime of choosing Christ.


Before viewing the session, here are a few important things to look for in Willie Robertson‘s teaching. As you watch, pay attention to how he answers the following questions.


In what ways can we help new believers learn about their new life with God?


What kind of people can benefit from Jesus’s plan of salvation?


Watch Session 6: New Life & the Holy Spirit (9 minutes).


Being a gospeler involves more than just telling people the good news of Jesus Christ. We also get to help new believers mature in their faith through simple conversations. Before this session, what did you think it looked like to help other people grow in their faith? If you’ve ever led others deeper into their faith, what was your experience like? What impact did it have on your own life?


Willie reminded us that the early church was not large. Many of the stories in the book of Acts involved rather small groups, teaching us that we don’t need a big platform to help new believers mature. One-on-one conversations can be tremendously effective. Think of your growth from when you first believed until now. Who has been instrumental in teaching and encouraging you in spiritual matters? What did it look like when you learned from others how to live out your faith?


Having accepted Christ as savior does not mean we automatically know everything about Christianity or even how we should live. When Peter preached the gospel to the crowd at Pentecost, his audience was “pierced to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, ‘Brothers, what should we do?’” (Acts 2:37). Can you relate to the crowd? How would you answer that question?


Willie referenced Romans 10:9, “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” This testimony encapsulates the gospel truth. Believing it, saying it aloud, and declaring that you have staked your life on Jesus is part of strengthening your faith. In what situations have you told others about your faith in Christ? What reactions have you gotten? If you have faced opposition of any kind, how did you react?


One activity that often follows faith is baptism. Baptism does not save us, but it is a symbolic act that Jesus commands us to make. It is a public declaration that our sins have been washed away and we now follow Jesus. What does your church believe about baptism? If you have not been baptized, what’s holding you back?


The Christian life may begin at salvation, but Jesus continues to work in us, growing us into godly people. We don’t always get it right, of course. What is your usual reaction when you realize you’ve sinned? Do you tend to run from or run to God? What do you think it looks like for Christ-followers to faithfully repent of our sins?


God uses broken people to build his kingdom. The same Peter who preached a powerful sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2) had earlier denied knowing Jesus (John 18:15–18). We don’t have to be perfect for God to use us, too. What would you say to a young believer questioning his or her worthiness to serve God? What can you do to help someone dealing with shame from past hurts or behaviors?


Willie challenged us to read about several other people from the New Testament who shared the good news of Jesus: Zacchaeus (Luke 19), Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8), and Paul and Silas in jail (Acts 16). Each of them adapted to their circumstances as they spoke about Christ. It is normal to learn a method of sharing the gospel, but it is also valuable to be flexible, adapting our presentation to our audience and circumstance. In what different ways have you heard the gospel presented? Why is it important to change our methods of evangelism? How have you adapted the message of Christ to better communicate with certain people?


Willie’s encouragement throughout the series is that any believer can be a gospeler. Once we have experienced Christ’s love and forgiveness, we are called to tell others about it. There’s no one right way, but Scripture is full of stories to inspire us in our own setting. Are you willing to share the good news that has set you free? What’s your next move?


Faith changes us. When we commit to follow Christ, his Spirit works in us and empowers us to live in a way that reflects his character. Read 2 Peter 1:3–11 and consider how you can use this passage to help new believers understand how their lives will change once they follow Jesus.


The opening of verse 3, “his divine power,” is a reference to the Holy Spirit, who dwells within each believer as our helper. Whenever we need help, God’s Spirit is with us, able to guide us and give us peace. In what ways do you need God’s help today? What would it look like to ask God for the help you need?


We may feel like we are unable or unqualified to serve God, but God has given us “everything necessary” for both life and godliness. In what ways can we feel unable or unequipped to serve God? What confidence should it give us to know that he gives us everything we need?


In verses 4–7, the author lists virtues that result from the Spirit’s influence in our lives. There is a progression of characteristics that a mature believer should embody. Christians should never be stagnant, but always growing to be more like Jesus. Which of the character qualities listed in these verses are you learning to embody right now? What circumstances are forcing you to rely on the Spirit?


One quality that we can overlook in this list is self-control. Whether it’s the family dinner table or our social media accounts, we are regularly faced with temptations to show off, blurt out our thoughts, or vent our emotions. But the Spirit can help us control our tongues and tempers so that we remain faithful. In what ways can a lack of self-control damage our reputation and witness? Have you ever felt the Spirit’s prompting to say something, or to remain silent? What happened? 


The list in verses 6 and 7 goes on, including endurance, godliness, familial affection, and love. We might be tempted to think of these characteristics as qualities that describe individual believers, but the Bible is describing a group of people. These are attributes of a godly community. What is the difference in these verses describing a single person versus a group of people? How can your small group better emulate these qualities together?


Echoing what Willie talked about in his session, verses 8–11 confirm that God intends for us to be useful and fruitful in our Christian life after we first believe. What good is knowing God’s grace if we do nothing with it? His grace can’t help but propel us into a life that glorifies him. How did your mindset change over the first few months or years after you became a Christian? In what ways did your behavior begin to reflect God’s ways?


Verse 10 reminds us that our salvation starts now, not once we die. Allowing sin to rule in our lives leaves us unfulfilled. But God wants us to live a rich and full life following him. As you guide new believers, how can you help them see the benefits of choosing to live for Christ?


Coming to faith in Christ is just the beginning of the Christian life. It is normal for new Christians to wonder, “What do I do now?” That’s where you, a gospeler, come in. Whenever we tell someone about Jesus, we are committing to show them what comes next, both by teaching them about the Bible and modeling what it looks like to be a maturing Christian.


One of our greatest callings is to become a gospeler. We have the privilege of introducing others to Jesus, whether it is through the example of our lives or intentional conversations. But, no matter how God has called you to share it, you get to be a joyful messenger, telling others about the good news, love, and hope that has changed your life.


Read: Read the final chapters 7–10 from Willie Robertson’s book, Gospeler. What are your big takeaways from reading this book?


Pray: Ask the Lord to show you the areas of your character where you can grow to be more like him. Pray for opportunities to come alongside a new or young believer to encourage and guide them in their spiritual growth.


Memorize: Memorize 2 Peter 1:3, “His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

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