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Small Group Questions | Week 2


1. What’s something you’ve held onto so tightly in your life (a goal, a possession, a habit) that it ended up slipping away or not turning out how you expected?


2. Jesus said that those who try to save their life will lose it (Mark 8:34-35). In what ways have you seen self-focus lead to emptiness or regret in your own life or in the lives of others?


3. Why do you think Jesus ties finding purpose to "losing your life" for Him and the gospel? What does this look like in practical terms?


4. The message emphasized the importance of living for others. Who has inspired you by living a life of service, and how can you follow their example?


5. What are some things in your life that you’re tempted to cling to tightly? How might they be preventing you from fully experiencing the life Jesus offers?


6. We are encouraged by Scripture to "scatter our lives like seed" by giving ourselves away (Mark 4:26-29). What is one practical way you can live this out in your family, community, or workplace this week?


7. Think about a season in your life when you were most self-focused. How did that affect your relationships, joy, or sense of purpose? How has Jesus redeemed or could He redeem that experience?


8. Jesus gave His life away in service to others. How can embracing His example of humility and sacrifice help us live with greater purpose?


9. What’s one step you can take this week to live out the “others-first” mindset Jesus modeled? Who is one person you can serve, and how will you show God’s love through that action?

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