Small Group Questions | Not a Fan | Week 2
Can you think of a time when you were “decided” about something, but not fully committed? What was the difference in your actions or mindset?
In what areas of your life have you moved from being “decided” to truly “committed,” (i.e. education, fitness journeys, etc.)
Why do you think commitment requires an assigned value? What value have you assigned to your relationship with Christ?
What sacrifices have you made or do you think you might need to make to deepen your commitment to Christ? How does Romans 12:1-2 speak to this?
Looking at Nicodemus’s journey from curiosity (John 3) to investment (John 19), where would you place yourself in your faith journey? Are you curious or fully invested?
James 2:26 says, "faith without works is dead." How can we ensure that our faith moves us into action and is more than just belief?
Kyle Idleman said, “There is no forgiveness without repentance and no salvation without surrender.” What areas of your life might you still need to surrender to fully commit to Christ?
Nicodemus eventually spoke up for Jesus. How can you be more vocal about your faith in your everyday life? Have you ever hesitated to speak up? Why or why not?
What practical steps can you take to invest more in your spiritual growth, whether through time, resources, or community involvement?
Of the next steps shared in the sermon (deepening commitment, speaking up for your faith, or investing in your spiritual journey), which do you feel most challenged by, and what will you do about it this week?