Small Group Questions | Week 2
1. Share a time when you had to step in to calm a tense situation. What did you learn from that experience?
2. How would you describe Abigail’s character based on her actions in 1 Samuel 25? What traits stand out to you?
3. Compare and contrast David’s initial reaction to Nabal’s insult with Abigail’s response. What does this reveal about their hearts and leadership styles?
4. What do you think motivated Abigail to act so courageously and wisely in a dangerous situation?
5. David was on the verge of making a rash decision out of anger. How can we guard our hearts against reacting impulsively when we’re upset?
6. Abigail’s words brought both truth and peace to David. How can we develop the ability to speak truth with grace in difficult conversations?
7. In what ways have you experienced someone’s wisdom or peacemaking influence that helped you avoid a mistake?
8. Reflecting on Nabal’s attitude, how does pride and foolishness impact relationships and decision-making?
9. David acknowledges that the Lord sent Abigail to stop him from sinning. How do you recognize God’s intervention in your own life?
10. What steps can you take this week to be a peacemaker in your relationships, reflecting Abigail’s wisdom and courage?