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Small Group Questions | Not a Fan | Week 1

1. What does it mean to "Define the Relationship" (DTR) with Jesus? In what ways have you personally experienced this DTR moment in your faith journey?


2. In Luke 9:23, Jesus calls us to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily. What are some practical ways you can live this out in your daily life?


3. The sermon talks about being a "fan" versus a "follower" of Jesus. Would you consider yourself more of a fan or a follower right now? Why?


4. Jesus challenges the first man in Luke 9:57-58 by saying He has "no place to lay his head." How does the pursuit of comfort prevent you from fully following Jesus?


5. We often try to "fine-tune" our lives while Jesus wants to "overhaul" them. Where in your life have you been asking for minor changes when Jesus wants a complete transformation?


6. The sermon compared some Christians to people who are “flexitarians”—selectively committed. In what areas of your faith are you tempted to be a "flexetarian," choosing what’s comfortable over full commitment?


7. Jesus said, "Follow me" to the man in Luke 9:59-60, but the man hesitated. What excuses or "first let me…" statements have you used to delay following Jesus fully?


8. The third potential follower (Luke 9:61-62) wanted to say goodbye to his family before following Jesus. How do the distractions or attachments in your life hold you back from being fully committed to Jesus?


9. Jesus asks for all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. What does it look like to make Jesus your "One and Only" rather than just one of many priorities?


10. What practical steps can you take this week to move from being a fan of Jesus to being a fully committed follower? What specific areas of your life do you need to surrender to Him?

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